Dr. Lindsey St. Mary, PhD
PhD Toxicology

Dr. Lindsey St. Mary, PhD is an NIEHS postdoctoral fellow at Dr. Robyn Tanguay’s lab in the Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology at Oregon State University (OSU). Her current work consists of screening and categorizing 5,000 distinct chemicals found in the environment, consumer products, or used in manufacturing processes in order to assess molecular changes relevant to human disease.

Additionally, she is collaborating with AsedaSciences to integrate their high throughput live-cell screening system (SYSTEMETRIC®) and the Tanguay Lab’s zebrafish screening assessment (ZBEscreen™) to predict hazard during the drug discovery and development process. Lindsey is president of Oregon State University’s (OSU) Postdoctoral Association (OPA), postdoctoral representative for OSU’s TeamTOX and Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists (PANWAT), and OSU Superfund Research Program’s (SRP) Trainee Coordinator.

Lindsey has a strong passion for ensuring products developed for the global market are safe and effective, investigating toxicity of environmental pollutants and consumer product contaminants, while also pursuing cancer therapy research.


Academic Achievements & Professional Memberships


Ph.D., Life Sciences (2020)
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Master of Science, Toxicology (2015)
North Carolina State University, Raleigh 

Bachelor of Science, General Science, Pre-Vet
Oregon State University, Corvallis

Professional Memberships
  • OSU Postdoctoral Association web administrator, public relations coordinator, and President (2021-Present)
  • OSU Environmental and Molecular Toxicology, Team Tox Postdoctoral Representative (2021- Present)
  • Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists (PANWAT) Postdoctoral Representative (2021- Present)
  • Superfund Research Program (SRP) Student/Postdoc/Alumni Network (SPAN) Postdoctoral Representative and SRP trainee coordinator (2022-Present)
  • Member- Society of Toxicology (SOT) (2013-2015; 2021-Present)
  • Member- SOT Specialty Section: Molecular and Systems Biology (2021- Present)
  • Member- Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists (2021-Present)

Publications & Abstracts

  • Perkins, Edward J., To, Kimberly T., St. Mary, Lindsey, et al., Developmental, Behavioral and Transcriptomic Changes in Zebrafish Embryos after Smoke Dye Exposure. Toxics. (2022)
  • St. Mary, Lindsey et al. Time-Related Alteration of Aqueous-Phase Anthracene and Phenanthrene Photoproducts in the Presence of TiO2 Nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Technology. (2021).
  • To, Kimberly, St. Mary, Lindsey et al. Morphological and behavioral effects in zebrafish embryos after exposure to smoke dyes. Toxics. (2021).
  • Axton, Elizabeth R., Beaver, Laura M., St. Mary, Lindsey et al. Treatment with Nitrate, but Not Nitrite, Lowers the Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Decreases Glycolytic Intermediates While Increasing Fatty Acid Metabolites in Exercised Zebrafish. Journal of Nutrition. (2019).
  • Truong, Lisa, Reif, David, St. Mary, Lindsey, et al. Multidimensional In Vivo Hazard Assessment Using Zebrafish. Toxicol Sci 137, 212–233 (2014).
  • Perkins, Edward J., To, Kimberly T., St. Mary, Lindsey, et al., Developmental, Behavioral and Transcriptomic Changes in Zebrafish Embryos after Smoke Dye Exposure. Toxics. (2022)
  • St. Mary, Lindsey et al. Time-Related Alteration of Aqueous-Phase Anthracene and Phenanthrene Photoproducts in the Presence of TiO2 Nanoparticles. Environmental Science and Technology. (2021).
  • To, Kimberly, St. Mary, Lindsey et al. Morphological and behavioral effects in zebrafish embryos after exposure to smoke dyes. Toxics. (2021).
  • Axton, Elizabeth R., Beaver, Laura M., St. Mary, Lindsey et al. Treatment with Nitrate, but Not Nitrite, Lowers the Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Decreases Glycolytic Intermediates While Increasing Fatty Acid Metabolites in Exercised Zebrafish. Journal of Nutrition. (2019).
  • Truong, Lisa, Reif, David, St. Mary, Lindsey, et al. Multidimensional In Vivo Hazard Assessment Using Zebrafish. Toxicol Sci 137, 212–233 (2014).
  • Lindsey St. Mary, Lisandra Trine, Courtney Roper, Martin McCoustra, Staci Simonich, Theodore Henry. Time-related formation of bioactive polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) photoproducts upon interaction with TiO2 nanoparticles in the aqueous phase. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) North America Conference, 2022. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. (Platform)
  • Lindsey St. Mary, Lisa Truong, Andrew A. Bieberich, Raymond O. Fatig III, Robyn L. Tanguay. Comparative analysis between zebrafish and an automated live-cell assay to assess 87 developmental neurotoxicants. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologist (PANWAT) Conference, 2022. Spokane, Washington. (Platform)
  • Lindsey St. Mary, Lisandra Trine, Courtney Roper, Martin McCoustra, Staci Simonich, Theodore Henry. Time-related formation of bioactive polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) photoproducts upon interaction with TiO2 nanoparticles in the aqueous phase. The Lifecycle of Cosmic PAHs Conference, 2022. Aarhus, Denmark. (Invited speaker)
  • Lindsey St. Mary. Comparative analyses between zebrafish and an automated live-cell assay to assess 97 developmental neurotoxicants. Society of Toxicology (SOT) Conference, 2022. San Diego, California. (Poster)
  • Lindsey St. Mary. Comparative analyses between zebrafish and an automated live-cell assay to assess 97 developmental neurotoxicants. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologist (PANWAT) Conference, 2021. Virtual. (Platform)
  • Lindsey St. Mary, Lisandra Trine, Courtney Roper, Martin McCoustra, Staci Simonich, Theodore Henry. Time-related formation of bioactive polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) photoproducts upon interaction with TiO2 nanoparticles in the aqueous phase. EUROPAH Conference, 2021. Virtual. (Plenary talk)
  • Lindsey St. Mary, Lisandra Trine, Courtney Roper, Martin McCoustra, Staci Simonich, Theodore Henry. Time-related formation of bioactive polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) decomposition products upon interaction with photoactive TiO2 nanoparticles. International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs), 2019. Örebro, Sweden. (Platform)
  • Natalia Vinas, Lisa Truong, Lindsey St. Mary, Lyle Burgoon, Robert Tanguay, Ed Perkins. New Approach Methodologies to Elucidate Smoke Dyes Adverse Effects. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)-North America Conference, 2019. Toronto, Canada. (Poster)
  • St. Mary, Lindsey, Martin McCoustra, Theodore Henry. Assessing the Photoactivity of PAHs in the Presence of TiO2 Nanoparticles in an Aqueous Environment Over Time. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)- Europe Conference, 2019. Helsinki, Finland. (Poster)
  • St. Mary, Lindsey, Martin McCoustra, Theodore Henry. Tracking Physicochemical Changes of PAHs in the Presence of TiO2 Nanoparticles by Assessment of Biological Responses. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) – Europe Conference, 2018; Rome, Italy. (Poster)
  • St. Mary, Lindsey, Martin McCoustra, Theodore Henry. Tracking Physicochemical Changes of PAHs in the Presence of TiO2 Nanoparticles by Assessment of Biological Responses. University of Exeter, 2017. Exeter, UK. (Seminar)
  • St. Mary, Lindsey. Zebrafish as a Model for Chemoprevention of T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-ALL). Knight Cancer Institute Cancer Prevention and Control Science Symposium, 2017; Corvallis, OR. (Platform)
  • St. Mary Lindsey, Carolyn Mattingly, Antonio Planchart. Low Levels of Arsenic Affect the Innate Immune Response in Embryonic Zebrafish. Society of Toxicology, 2015; San Diego, CA. (Poster)
  • St. Mary Lindsey, Carolyn Mattingly, Antonio Planchart. Low Levels of Arsenic Affect the Innate Immune Response in Embryonic Zebrafish. Aquatic Vertebrate Models and 21st Century Toxicology, 2014; Raleigh, NC. (Poster)
  • Antonio Planchart, St. Mary Lindsey, Elizabeth Cook, Katie Duke, Mark Ihrie, Carolyn Mattingly. The Antirheumatic Drug, Leflunomide, Interferes with the Dopamine Synthesis Pathway. Society of Toxicology, 2014; Phoenix, AZ. (Poster)
  • Chalker Lindsey, Truong Lisa, and Tanguay Robert. Using a High Throughput Approach to Assess the Toxicity of TOXcast Chemicals in vivo. Oregon State University’s Department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology’s Research Day, 2013; Corvallis, OR. (Poster)

Articles Medically Reviewed By Dr. St. Mary